Discoveries in Skocjan.


At the beginning of 2019, new underground spaces were discovered near Skocjan in Slovenia. Slovenian cavers confirm that they were guided by our georadar measurements from 2016, when we tested a new georadar with P. Kalenda in this area. They knew in what direction they should continue and at what depth the new spaces were located. They penetrated them through a ditch from Martel’s hall. It is the first major discovery after 100 years of research.

For us, this is an extremely important confirmation of the results of the ROTEG georadar.

Video from the press conference:

Jamarsko odkritje v Škocjanskih jamah

Jamarji so danes predstavili pomembno odkritje – z odkritjem t.i. fosilnih rovov, kjer je nekoč tekla reka Reka, so v Škocjanskih jamah začeli pisati novo dobo raziskovanja.

Povzetek na

#STAvživo Prenos vŽ Jamarska zveza Slovenije Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenija

Zveřejnil(a) Slovenska tiskovna agencija STA dne Úterý 29. ledna 2019


The discovery was published in a several media: Jaka Jakofčič (FB), DELO, Primorske novice